10 analogies between the tobacco industry and the fossil fuel industry

Nicolas Payen
2 min readJun 13, 2023
10 analogies between the tobacco industry and the fossil fuel industry
10 analogies between the tobacco industry and the fossil fuel industry

The playbook used by the fossil fuel industry is very similar in many ways to the one used in the past by the Tobacco industry!

Hidden Dangers: Just as the harmful effects of smoking were concealed by the tobacco industry, the fossil fuel industry has downplayed the environmental consequences of burning fossil fuels, such as climate change.

Lobbying Power: Both industries have employed powerful lobbying tactics to influence government policies and regulations in their favor, hindering efforts to address public health and environmental concerns.

Denial of Scientific Evidence: Similar to tobacco companies denying the link between smoking and health risks, some fossil fuel companies have denied or cast doubt on the scientific consensus surrounding climate change.

Manipulating Public Perception: Both industries have used advertising and public relations strategies to shape public opinion, creating doubt and confusion about the negative impacts of their products.

Targeting Vulnerable Populations: Tobacco companies targeted specific demographics, such as youth and disadvantaged communities. Similarly, fossil fuel companies have disproportionately impacted marginalized communities through the siting of polluting facilities.

Addiction and Dependence: Just as tobacco addiction kept smokers reliant on cigarettes, society’s dependence on fossil fuels has made it difficult to transition to cleaner energy sources. Fossil fuel industries also promote fake safe substitutes or solutions for their hazardous products (non-green hydrogen, carbon capture, carbon offset).

Externalizing Costs: Both industries have sought to shift the financial burden of their negative impacts onto society, rather than taking responsibility for the health and environmental costs associated with their products.

Influencing Scientific Research: Both industries have attempted to influence scientific research and experts to downplay the negative effects of their products or promote industry-friendly narratives.

Litigation and Legal Battles: Both industries have faced lawsuits and legal challenges, seeking accountability for the harm caused by their products and deceptive practices.

Transition Challenges: As the harmful effects of tobacco became widely recognized, the tobacco industry faced the challenge of transitioning to alternative products. Similarly, the fossil fuel industry is grappling with the need to transition to renewable energy sources in order to address climate change.

These analogies highlight the similarities in strategies and tactics employed by the tobacco and fossil fuel industries to protect their interests despite the negative consequences for public health and the environment of their products.

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Nicolas Payen

Passionate about Climate Change Mitigation | Future of Renewable Energy | Intersection of Tech, Climate, Finance & Humanity | Sustainability